Genitourinary Malignancies

Cancers emerging in the urinary and male reproductive tract (prostrate, kidney, Urinary bladder, testis and penis) are included under Genitourinary malignancies.

Gynecological Malignancies

Cancers emerging from cervix, endometrium (uterus), ovaries are included under Gynaecologial malignancies.

Palliative Care

Palliative care is specialized medical care of people with terminal illness. It focuses on providing relief from the symptoms and stress of the illness and improves life quality of the patient and his family.

Colorectal Malignancies

Colorectal cancer occurs in the colon or rectum. The colon is the large intestine/bowel. The rectum is the passageway that connects the colon to the anus.

Lymphoproliferative Disorders

Lymphoproliferative disorders comprise a heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled production of lymphocytes that cause monoclonal lymphocytosis, lymphadenopathy and bone marrow infiltration.

Cancer Immunotherapy

Therapy used to treat cancer patients that uses components of the immune system. Cancer immunotherapies consist of antibodies, immune checkpoint inhibitors, vaccines and T cell infusions.


Best Awarded Hospital

Swastik Care Clinic is the place where your sorrows are turned into tears of joy with perfect treatment.

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Swastik Cancer Clinic is the best place where you can enjoy getting yourself treated from the best doctors. The comfortable ambience, friendly staff and excellent knowledge makes it the best clinic to start with your journey to recover for a healthy life. Connect with Dr. Deepak Singla and get the confidence of living your life back.

100% latest techniques

Trained and experienced doctors

Friendly staff

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More Information About Cancer Specialist

Choosing the right cancer specialist is necessary to ensure the correct cure and recovery from this severe disease. Also, seeking the right oncologist will give you hope to fight this disease. Dr Deepak Singla should be your top priority if you are looking for the best Panchkula cancer doctors. He is an expert in treating various types of cancers. Besides, here are some tips for selecting the right cancer specialist-

  • You can talk to your family or primary care doctor to suggest an expert who can handle your case. Also, you may speak to your friends or family members.
  • Consult the doctor who has a speciality in this area and offers the right kind of treatment.
  • Choose the one with experience in treating various types of cancers.
  • You must observe that your doctor should interact with you. And must answer all your queries.
  • Choose the top-rated hospital and expert who can offer the best treatment plan.

It is essential to prepare for your meeting with your specialist. Also, they will help you guide all through your cancer journey. And preparing for your appointment will make things and other processes easier. You will be able to know the condition of your cancer and the entire treatment and recovery process. Well, it can be fearful of meeting with a cancer doctor initially. But, it will clear all your doubts and worries related to your health. Thus, it is vital to go for an experienced oncologist who can handle such cases easily.

  • Firstly, you must reach the clinic one or half an hour before your appointment. So it will be easy to complete all the formalities on time.
  • You must discuss your medical history and other health conditions. Also, talk to your doctor about your signs and issues. It would be helpful for them to suggest suitable tests, medication, and cures.
  • Besides, you should be ready with all your tests. Like blood and urine tests, biopsy, MRI, CTs, and X-rays. Make up your mind for various tests that the doctor may suggest.
  • Maintain a file that includes details of your medicines, tests, and therapies. It is very helpful and makes the other process easier.

A cancer specialist, also called as an oncologist, deals with various cancer patients. So, the specialist very well manages the care and treatment of cancer patients. Also, they will help in-.

  • Make a diagnosis of your cancer.
  • Identifying the best treatment options
  • Conduct the post-treatment care
  • Supervise your cure

Cancer is a fatal disease that causes a lot of stress and anxiety. Also, it is not just any common condition. Thus, it requires special attention and care. Hence, you must consult an expert with enough experience to handle such cases. Dr Deepak Singla is one of the best cancer specialists in Panchkula. He can treat various cancers such as lung cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, prostate cancer, etc.

However, various types of cancer specialists specialize in a specific type of cancer. Like-

Medical: These oncologists offer treatment using chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and other targeted therapies.

Cancer is quite a painful disease. But, there are ways to treat this disease. Your cancer specialist will help you get rid of this condition and live a normal life. Thus, you must seek the best Panchkula cancer specialist, Dr Deepak Singla. He has expertise in handling various severe cancer cases. Besides, here is some process that you can expect during the first appointment-

  • The doctor will conduct a complete body check-up. And they will ask about the health history of the patient. So, the tests will involve various scans and blood tests. These are necessary for proper treatment planning.
  • Also, the best cancer specialist will make you feel comfortable. And clear all your queries and discuss the treatment process.
  • During the first appointment, your doctor will discuss the best treatment options. Also, they will tell you how it can help you and the side effects, if any.

Hence, after the first meeting, you will know the further process. Also, it may give you hope to fight against this disease. Moreover, seek a cancer expert to ensure your successful cure and fast recovery.

Cancer is among the primary disease that leads to death. However, there may not be any early symptoms, or one may not be able to notice them. Still, there are some common signs of cancer-

  • Bowel changes
  • Urinary changes
  • Insistent cough
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Sudden weight loss

So, if you notice any such signs, you must reach out to a cancer specialist. You can contact Dr Deepak Singla; he is among the top cancer doctors in Panchkula. Besides, these signs don’t need to indicate cancer. But, you must seek a medical expert if you notice such things for more than ten days.

Different types of cancer reflect diverse symptoms as various cancers will affect other tissues in the body. Also, breast, cervical, and endometrial cancers are common in women. And some signs of these may include- breast changes, vaginal bleeding between periods, fever, dizziness, redness, swelling, or discharges from nipples. In contrast, signs in men may include- swelling, pain, or lumps in testicles, rectal bleeding, blood in urine, etc. Thus, you may notice some sudden and weird changes in your body. So, don’t wait until the symptoms get worse. Immediately seek a specialist without any delay.

It is necessary to talk to your doctor. Also, after discussing with your doctor, you get to know better about your illness. And they discuss everything about the treatment process and side effects. Moreover, talking to your oncologist is crucial to your recovery. It may give you the strength to fight against this fatal disease. Here are some questions that one can ask their cancer specialist-

A Kidney Cancer specialist in Panchkula will be able to give you the exact details of the spread, extent, location and possible treatments of your Kidney Cancer. But there are some symptoms that you have to look out for. If there is blood in your urine, or lower back pain (not related to an injury) or more so, if you have a lump on your side or lower back, you need to go to a Kidney Cancer doctor in Panchkula. A sudden and drastic loss in weight and a fever that does not go away at all are tell-tale signs of a serious medical condition, which cannot be ignored. However, all the diagnosis needs to come from your consulting doctor alone.

  • What type of cancer are you suffering from?
  • Secondly, ask about the stage of cancer?
  • Is your cancer much more severe?
  • What type of specialist will you need for your treatment?
  • Should you go for a second opinion?
  • What will be the medications and treatment process?
  • Are there any risks and side effects of the treatment?
  • What are the chances of your recovery?

These questions are a crucial part of your treatment. Thus, these will help you know about your illness and cure better.

Also, you can ask about how to manage the pain and the necessary precautions to ensure better recovery. Further, it would be best to talk to your doctor about the follow-up care and lifestyle changes to get healthy rapidly.

Managing the cancer care costs can put a heavy load on your pocket. But, the survival rate in cancer patients is increasing with the progress in the health care system. So, many health plans ensure cancer care costs. Besides, getting cover for usual health issues is pretty easier. Many insurers don’t give cover to cancer patients. And the major reason is the critical illness and fewer chances of survival in severe cases. So, cancer specialist services are the best option here. This policy is designed to meet the needs of cancer patients. But, likely, the patient who has this condition earlier may not get covered under the cancer specialist policy. Mostly, this policy will cover cancer patients with early and advanced stages of cancer.

There are various sorts of plans available. Typically, insurance plans for critical illness cover only a tiny part of your expenses. But, if you go for such a plan after a cancer diagnosis, then there may be some curbs. Thus, it is essential to understand every detail of the policy. Hence, if you choose the right insurance plan, it will cover the cancer specialist services.

What We Treat

A brain tumor is a mass or development of abnormal brain cells.

In 2018, brain tumors were ranked as the 10th most common kind of tumor among Indians. Each year, more incidences of brain tumors are recorded in India among people of all ages. A brain tumor is a serious condition and can be fatal if not detected early and treated.

Do you want to know what causes brain tumors? An extensive study is being conducted to identify the exact cause of brain tumors. However, the causes of brain tumors are not well known but the following factors may raise a person’s risk of developing a brain tumor:

  • Exposure to radiation
  • Being overweight
  • Family History
  • Age and Race
  • Exposure to infections, viruses, and allergens
  • Head injury and seizures

The symptoms of a brain tumor vary depending on where the tumor is located and how large it is. When a tumor becomes large enough to exert pressure on the rest of the brain tissue, you will start to notice the symptoms. General symptoms include –

  • Weakness in a particular part of the body
  • Dizziness
  • Severe headaches, especially in the morning with nausea/ vomiting
  • Abnormal sensation
  • Clumsiness or balance disorder
  • Single or multiple muscle jerks/seizures
  • Altered mental status
  • Difficulty with vision / Blurred vision
  • Speech difficulties
  • Hearing problems

These are some possible signals of brain tumors. However, it may occur due to some other causes as well. Thus, it is wise to consult a doctor when you notice such signs or sudden issues and get the necessary treatment in time.

Dr. Deepak Singla provides brain tumor patients with the best and most efficient medical care. He gains a vast experience in this field and is among the top brain tumor doctor in Panchkula. And her entire team is very supportive. Also, he has a history of successful brain tumor cases with positive outcomes. He provides the best special care and facility to such patients. He offers the best line of treatment suited to the patient. Before starting the procedure, the doctor explains everything to the patient and family members. So, he starts the process depending on the size and stage of the tumor. Hence, he may go with the therapies or surgery as per the patient’s condition.

Lymphoma is the sixth most common cancer in the world.

Lymphoma is cancer that develops in the lymphatic system and various areas of the lymph glands. The lymphatic system is part of the body’s germ-fighting network. Many types of lymphoma exist. Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) are the two main types of lymphoma. About 90 percent of people with lymphoma have non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The other 10 percent have Hodgkin lymphoma.

Lymphoma can happen at any age; however, it is more common in young adults and adults aged above 60. In most cases, lymphomas are successfully treatable.

Some factors that can increase the risk of lymphoma include:

  • Your age & gender
  • Having an impaired immune system
  • Developing certain infections
  • Family History
  • Personal History of Lymphoma
  • Exposure to Harmful Chemicals

Lymphoma may not cause any symptoms in the early stages, and even if they do, they are nonspecific and easily confused with other less serious health conditions. Following are the lymphoma symptoms that should not be ignored:

  • Painless swelling of lymph nodes in your neck, armpits, or groin
  • Persistent fatigue
  • Fever
  • Night sweats
  • Shortness of breath
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Itchy skin

You must see a doctor if you notice any of the above signs & symptoms. It is wise to visit a specialist to ensure the right cure. Hence, you can consult Dr. Deepak Singla, the best lymphoma cancer specialist in Panchkula. He has treated many rare and complex variants. And many patients entrust his medication and cure. Besides, he has expertise in chemo, radiation, and immunotherapies. He knows the intricacy of such cases. Thus, he provides the best treatment options accordingly. He provides high-quality treatment and constantly monitors each patient’s response to the therapy.

Colon cancer, also known as Bowel Cancer develops in the large intestine. It begins when healthy cells in the lining of the colon or rectum alter and grow uncontrollably, causing a mass called a tumor. Early cases can begin as non-cancerous polyps which mostly have no symptoms but can be detected by screening. Colorectal/Colon cancer is the third most common cancer worldwide and is more frequently seen in men than in women. Most colorectal/colon cancer is due to old age and a sedentary lifestyle.

Although the exact cause of colon cancer is unknown but certain risk factors may increase your chance of developing colon cancer. These include –

  • Older age.
  • A personal history of colorectal cancer or polyps
  • Inflammatory intestinal conditions
  • Inherited syndromes that increase colon cancer risk
  • Family history of colon cancer
  • Low-fiber, high-fat diet
  • A sedentary lifestyle
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Smoking & alcohol
  • Radiation therapy for cancer

In the early stages of colon cancer, many patients have no symptoms. Symptoms will most likely differ depending on the size and location of cancer in your large intestine. Common signs and symptoms of colon cancer include –

  • A persistent change in your bowel habits, including diarrhea or constipation or a change in the consistency of your stool
  • Rectal bleeding or blood in your stool
  • Persistent abdominal discomforts, such as cramps, gas, or pain
  • A feeling that your bowel doesn’t empty completely
  • Weakness or fatigue
  • Unexplained weight loss

Make an appointment with your doctor if you detect any above symptoms that concern you.

Dr. Deepak Singla is one of the best colon cancer specialist in Panchkula. He is a qualified cancer specialist with a higher success rate in handling cancer patients. Besides, the cost of his treatment is more reasonable than other cancer hospitals. He and his team offer the best medical facilities to cancer patients.

Lung cancer is common cancer in India and rapidly becoming a serious healthcare issue, with more than 1 lakh additional cases expected in the next five years. The incidence is highest between the ages of 55 and 70. Because of a lack of public awareness, the majority (50%) of patients are diagnosed with lung cancer after it has spread to other parts of the body. People who smoke have the greatest risk of lung cancer, though lung cancer can also occur in people who have never smoked. The other risk factors of lung cancer include –

  • Exposure to secondhand smoke
  • Previous radiation therapy
  • Exposure to radon gas
  • Exposure to asbestos and other carcinogens
  • Family history of lung cancer

In the early stages of lung cancer, there are generally no signs or symptoms. Lung cancer signs and symptoms often appear when the cancer is advanced. Signs and symptoms of lung cancer may include:

  • Coughing up blood, even a small amount
  • A new cough that doesn’t go away
  • Chest pain
  • Hoarseness
  • Losing weight without trying
  • Bone pain
  • Headache

If you have any persistent signs or symptoms that bother you, make an appointment with your doctor right away. Lung cancer may spread to other body parts and cause severe issues. Thus, consult Dr. Deepak Singla, one of the best lung cancer specialists in Panchkula. Facing cancer can be pretty fearful and stressful. But, Dr. Deepak Singla has experience in treating such cases. And he and his team offer the best class facilities and care to the patients.

He provides mental and emotional support to the patients. And make it easy for them to deal with cancer. Also, he has successfully handled many lung cancer patients. Hence, contact him to get first-class lung cancer treatment in Panchkula.

Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women. However, rarely, it can also affect men. It is most often diagnosed in adults over the age of 50, but it can occur at any age. Breast cancer occurs when cells of the breast grow abnormally.

Breast cancer symptoms vary from person to person. Some people show no signs or symptoms at all.

Some breast cancer warning symptoms are as follows:

  • An unusual breast lump or thickening
  • Sudden change in size, shape, and appearance of the breast
  • Changes in the skin around the breast
  • Thickening or swelling of part of the breast.
  • Peeling, scaling, or flaking of the pigmented area of skin around the nipple or breast skin
  • Nipple discharge other than breast milk, including blood.
  • Irritation or dimpling of breast skin.
  • Redness or pitting of the skin over the breast
  • Pain in any area of the breast.

So, if you notice any such signs, you must consult a breast cancer specialist in Panchkula. Dr. Deepak Singla. He is the best and has vast experience handling breast cancer cases. Thus, it would help if you visited her soon to get proper care and cure. Also, he is trained at a top-notch medical institute in the country. He provides the best medications, therapy, and treatment for each patient. The doctor may perform some biopsy and other tests to detect your cancer’s actual condition and stage. Hence, seeing an expert as soon as you notice any sign or hint is better.

Head and neck cancers are a group of cancers that develops in the tissues of the upper aerodigestive tract (lips, tongue, mouth, throat, and larynx or voice box) or the sinuses and nasal cavity. Most head and neck malignancies are squamous cell carcinomas because they arise from the squamous cells that line these tubes and cavities.

Head and Neck Cancers are the most common cancers in developing countries. Also, they are more common in men compared to women.

Using tobacco or alcohol increases your risk. In fact, around 75% of head and neck cancers are linked to tobacco use, including smoking and smokeless tobacco. Infection with HPV is a risk factor for some head and neck cancers.

People with head and neck cancer often experience the following symptoms or signs

  • Sore in mouth or tongue that doesn’t heal
  • Red or white patch on gums, tongue, or lining of the mouth
  • Hoarseness
  • Persistent sore throat
  • Swelling neck, jaw, or side of the face
  • Frequent headaches and sinus infections
  • Pain in the upper teeth
  • Difficulty in swallowing, breathing, and speaking
  • Persistent earaches
  • Blood in saliva or bleeding through the nose or in the mouth

If you are worried about any changes you are experiencing, please consult your doctor. Your doctor may perform some tests to confirm the disease. You can consult Dr. Deepak Singla to get effective treatment. He is a qualified head and neck cancer specialist in Panchkula. So, contact him to get the right cure for your disease.

Oral cancer is a major health concern in many parts of the world. It is the sixth most common cancer in the world.

Tongue cancer is a type of mouth cancer or oral cancer that commonly starts in the squamous cells on the tongue’s surface. Tongue cancer is rarer than many other forms. The majority of those who acquire it are elderly. It is uncommon in children. Oral cancer may affect anybody, but the risk is increased if you are male, use cigarettes, drink a lot of alcohol, have HPV, or have a family history of head or neck cancer. Sun exposure is another risk factor for lip cancer.

A painful tongue and the development of a sore on the tongue are the basic signs of tongue cancer. Other symptoms may include:

  • pain in the jaw or throat
  • pain when swallowing
  • feeling as though something is catching in the throat
  • a stiff tongue or jaw
  • problems swallowing or chewing food
  • a red or white patch forming on the lining of the mouth or tongue
  • a tongue ulcer that will not heal
  • numbness in the mouth
  • bleeding from the tongue without reason
  • a lump on the tongue that does not go away

So, stay watchful of such signs and symptoms, and contact the tongue cancer specialist in Panchkula. Dr. Deepak Singla is the best tongue cancer specialist in Panchkula with years of expertise in practicing oncology. And he will guide you with the correct diagnosis and cure for tongue cancer. However, every case requires a different line of treatment. Some advanced cases may cause issues in speaking and eating. Thus, he performs in-depth tests and suggests suitable targeted therapy or medication as needed.

Moreover, he offers customized treatment helping you to fight your cancer depending on your condition and stage of cancer. Also, you can get the best medical facilities and care. Mouth and tongue cancer are highly curable only if the treatment is sought early.

Kidney cancer also called renal cell cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tubules of the kidney. Most kidney cancers first appear in the lining of tiny tubes (tubules) in the kidney and are called renal cell carcinoma. Usually, most kidney cancers are detected before they spread (metastasize) to distant organs and hence are easier to treat.

However, these tumors can grow to be quite large before they are detected.

It’s not clear what causes most kidney cancers but certain risk factors can increase the increase the risk of kidney cancer which are as follows –

  • Older age
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure
  • Treatment for kidney failure
  • Certain inherited syndromes
  • Family history of kidney cancer

In its early stages, kidney cancer may not cause any noticeable symptoms. However, as the tumor grows, symptoms may develop. As a result, kidney cancer is frequently misdiagnosed until it has spread. When symptoms do occur, the most common ones include:

  • Blood in the urine (hematuria)
  • Pain in the sides of the mid-back (the flank)
  • A palpable mass in the abdomen or side of the back
  • Swelling around the left testicle
  • Weight loss, night sweats, and/or unexplained fever

Hence, immediately consult a doctor if any such signs persist. You can consult a kidney cancer specialist in Panchkula to know the best treatment options ahead. Thus, call upon Dr. Deepak Singla, a qualified cancer specialist, to get an insight into your condition. He provides the best care and cure to kidney cancer patients. He has a successful history of handling and treating this unique condition. Besides, his entire team and staff are helpful and provide special attention to every patient. Plus, he guides and explains everything about the procedure so you can easily cope with the disease.

The patient’s condition depends on the size and stage of the cancer or tumor. Hence, the medical professional may go for targeted therapy, immunotherapy, clinical therapy, or a combination per the condition.

Stomach cancer is characterised by abnormal cell development that begins in the abdomen. Stomach cancer, commonly referred to as gastric cancer, can occur in any part of the stomach. The area where the lengthy tube (the oesophagus) that carries the food you swallow meets the stomach is more likely to be affected by gastric cancer. This is known as the gastroesophageal junction. This form of cancer is difficult to detect since most patients do not show symptoms in the early stages. Stomach cancer is uncommon in comparison to other forms of cancer; the greatest risk of this disease is the difficulty in identifying it.

The exact cause for stomach cancer is still unknown but few things that can raise the risk for the disease. One of the major risk factors is – H. pylori bacterial infections. Other things that play a role in raising the risk include:

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • Obesity
  • A diet high in salty and smoked foods
  • A diet low in fruits and vegetables
  • Family history of stomach cancer
  • Infection with Helicobacter pylori
  • Long-term stomach inflammation (gastritis)
  • Smoking
  • Stomach polyps

The early symptoms of stomach cancer can be like the symptoms of some common stomach conditions. Common symptoms of stomach cancer include:

  • heartburn or indigestion that does not go away
  • burping a lot
  • loss of appetite
  • feeling full after eating only a small amount
  • Weight loss.
  • pain or swelling in the upper tummy (abdomen) area
  • being sick
  • difficulty swallowing
  • black poo (stools)
  • feeling tired or breathless
  • Having hiccups a lot.

So, make an appointment with the doctor if you have any of the above signs. Dr. Deepak Singla is a leading stomach cancer specialist in Panchkula and an expert in diagnosing this type of cancer. Also, he offers the best treatment plan as she has handled many such cases.

Dr. Deepak Singla has vast experience in stomach cancer care. So, he would perform an in-depth test to figure out the best suitable treatment option. He suggests an optimized plan that is more likely to yield the best outcome. Thus, consult him for a better cure and recovery.

Ovarian cancer is the third most common cancer of the reproductive organs among women in India. It most commonly occurs between the ages of 50 and 65 but can occur in younger or older people as well. Cancer develops when cells in your body begin to grow abnormally. Certain factors increase a person’s risk of developing ovarian cancer, including

  • Never having been pregnant.
  • Having menstrual periods at a young age (before the age of 12) or having menopause at a late age (after age 52).
  • Family history of ovarian cancer
  • Being overweight or obese

Thus, you must seek an expert ovarian cancer specialist in Panchkula to prevent severe risks. Hence, you can contact Dr. Deepak Singla for the proper diagnosis and treatment.

Symptoms of ovarian cancer may be present in the early stages, however, they are often nonspecific and ill-defined.

Signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer may include:

  • Abdominal bloating or swelling
  • Quickly feeling full when eating
  • Weight loss
  • Discomfort in the pelvic area
  • Fatigue
  • Back pain
  • Changes in bowel habits, such as constipation
  • A frequent need to urinate

Therefore, you must seek immediate advice from a specialist and start the primary treatment. Dr. Deepak Singla is among the top cancer specialist in Panchkula. And she provides care and cure to ovarian cancer patients. Also, he discusses all the aspects, including the risks and side effects, if any. His diagnosis and way of treatment are very effective. He is an expert in chemo and radiation therapy. These therapies are usually suggested to women with ovarian cancer. Besides, overlooking any minor symptom may cause further severe issues. Hence, instantly make an appointment if any signs bother you.


Chemotherapy / Immunotherapy / Targeted Drug administration

Bone Marrow Transplant

A bone marrow transplant is a medical procedure that swaps out diseased marrow with good marrow. It is also known as a bone marrow or blood transplant (BMT). We at SCC have the right surgeons to help you with the procedure.

Insertion of central line/PICC line

PICC is a small, flexible tube that is threaded into the superior vena cava, a significant vein located above the right side of the heart. It is placed into an upper arm vein. Connect with us and let’s help you get cured.

Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy

For the investigation and conclusive diagnosis of hematologic malignancies, bone marrow aspirations and biopsies continue to be standard procedures. Dr. Deepak Singla can help you with the treatment and get cured with his experience and expertise.


A somewhat irritating medication is injected into the pleural space—the area on one side of your chest between your lung and chest wall—during a pleurodesis surgery. This is done in an effort to "glue" your lung to the wall of your chest and stop any more fluid or air from building up in this area. The process cannot be done by a movie and thus only the Swastik team can help you out.
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Years of experience

Frequently Asked Questions

It is not clichéd advice when doctors recommend you to be more active in your everyday life. This is not just to maintain your weight but that is also because a balanced weight will prevent the risks of Breast Cancer. Breast Cancer doctors in Panchkula and Chandigarh also recommend the longer you breastfeed, the higher the protection you get from the risks of getting Breast Cancer. These have been suggested after a number of tests and research being carried out. Your everyday life has a major impact on the health of your body, even a little goes a long way. While there are many diets that will come and go as mere fads, it is important for you to identify the needs of your body and have a balanced diet. This will help you control a wide range of problems like cholesterol, heart problems, diabetes, etc. to list a few.

Owing to the awareness and research being done for the prevention and early detection of Breast Cancer by doctors in Panchkula and Chandigarh, it is possible for everyone to conduct a breast cancer exam for themselves at home. Regular self-examination can lead to early detection and treating it successfully. These are the three steps for your self-examination:

  • The first obvious signs of Breast Cancer can be detected from the shape, size and colour of the breasts. If you do notice something out of the ordinary, you should look out for any abnormal swelling or distortion to the shape.
  • You have to then raise your arms and check for any fluid from the nipples. It can be yellow, blood or even milky. Another major sign of breast cancer is inverted nipples, instead of pointing outward.
  • You then have to lie down and check for any lumps.

This is a debatable answer because it all depends on what stage the doctor detected Ovarian Cancer. It also depends on what kind of cancer you have, other medical problems that you may be going through and the stage you are in; all play a role in determining how quickly you will recover from Ovarian Cancer. The kind of treatment you get is also a major factor that will start playing a role in your journey. It is always better when the cancer is regional rather than distant, where it is suspended in different parts of the body. Ovarian cancer is definitely curable but it is the procedure, time and how you get your treatment done. Getting medical treatment for any disease or problem is stressful. This is why you have to ensure that you are comfortable with whoever is giving you treatment.

Determining the stage of any cancer means that your doctor will try to determine if cancer has spread and to what degree it has spread in your body. It is contained in one area and has not spread much. It is called localised cancer. These are a lot easier to cure and you have a high chance of survival. However, if cancer has spread, it is called distant. There is a lot of chance of survival in these situations as well. However, the treatment options may get limited and extremely strenuous. Only your Ovarian Cancer specialist in Panchkula will be able to give you a proper diagnosis of what stage of cancer you are in. However, the general analysis that is done determines the range of your cancer from Stage I (1) to Stage IV (4). It also needs to be understood that everyone’s cancer is different and may require different treatment

While smoking is the biggest cause of Lung Cancer, there are many other lifestyle problems that can cause lung cancer. Non-smokers do not automatically become immune to this disease. It is possible to get lung cancer from second-hand smoke as well. If you have had exposure to repeated radiation therapy due to any other type of cancer in your chest, your chances of developing lung cancer increase significantly. Lung cancer specialists in Panchkula do want to put a lot of focus on workplace hazards and talk about the increased risks of lung cancer if you work in an environment that has exposure to radon gas, which is released in the air as a result of uranium reacting with the soil and breaking down. Many other industries cause exposure to asbestos and other cancer-causing substances like arsenic, chromium and nickel. Family medical histories also play a significant role in our lives.

You need to consult a Lung Cancer doctor in Panchkula as soon as you notice that there is constant shortness of breath that you are experiencing. This is especially for people who smoke a lot because this is one of the biggest side effects of smoking. Your body is able to adapt to it in the beginning, but not for long. This can also cause you to cough up blood. There are many treatments to stop this bleeding but this is a clear indication of the lung lining being affected. You cannot ignore these issues and have to consult with a lung cancer specialist in Panchkula. Your chances of recovery are extremely high when the cancer is still localised. This is why there is so much attention to premature screening and treatment of any and all cancers. The different stages just define the extent to which cancer has spread.

A Kidney Cancer specialist in Panchkula will be able to give you the exact details of the spread, extent, location and possible treatments of your Kidney Cancer. But there are some symptoms that you have to look out for. If there is blood in your urine, or lower back pain (not related to an injury) or more so, if you have a lump on your side or lower back, you need to go to a Kidney Cancer doctor in Panchkula. A sudden and drastic loss in weight and a fever that does not go away at all are tell-tale signs of a serious medical condition, which cannot be ignored. However, all the diagnosis needs to come from your consulting doctor alone.


Stomach cancer specialists in Panchkula have agreed that one of the first signs of Stomach Cancer can range from a severe loss of appetite and weight loss (without any reason). You may also feel some discomfort in your stomach, especially around the navel area. There are many tell-tale signs like yellowing eyes, constant fatigue along vomiting with or without blood. These are serious signs of infection and cancer as well that need to be diagnosed as soon as possible. You will also have a fever here that may not even go down, which will add to your fatigue and nausea.


Simply put, cancer is an abnormal or uncontrolled growth of cells in your body that can be caused by a variety of reasons. Your body is always making new cells and discarding the old ones. This is how the body grows and heals itself, depending on your metabolism and many other factors simultaneously work together to work on your body every day. Doctors are able to detect when cancer has been developed the older cells do not die and get discarded as they normally would have.


Cancer cells can develop from a variety of sources and reasons. It is true that your genes play a major role in developing cancer-causing cells, but your lifestyle can have a direct impact on your health too. For example, smoking is the biggest reason for lung cancer in almost all its patients. Your lifestyle may also include things that are not in your control at all. You may get exposed to a cancer-causing environment that contains a lot of harmful agents. It could be where you work, where you live or any other aspect.

Different kinds of cancers are very common today and can be of varying nature. However, cancer specialists are yet to develop a complete “cure” for the disease. There are many treatments that will work to reduce the growth of the cells, to finally stop their growth. Cancer specialists in Panchkula have seen significant results from various treatments. It is possible to cure cancer of these treatments completely and go back to completely normal life as well. Some of these treatments are surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, bone marrow transplant and many others.

Like any other virus or bacteria in the body, cancer-causing cells can travel within the body too. This process for cancer-causing cells is called metastasis. It can travel through the bloodstream or even through the lymph system. They need a way through which they can travel easily. This is also what will add complications to your case. This is what allows cancer to spread and it may also take time for its symptoms to show up. You will have to get tested again and see the extent to which cancer has spread.

All cancers develop in the cells of the body first. Therefore, it is an internal issue that will soon show signs in a physical manner. This is why cancer doctors in Panchkula emphasize not ignoring any strange growth or lumps in your body. They are the most obvious signs of cancer development. These lumps get created as a result of the accumulation of the old cells that the body is now unable to get rid of. They tend to crowd around the newer, growing cells that can cause abnormalities in the normal functioning of your body.

Since there are many treatments that are subjective to what is the cause of your cancer, where it is, what type and whether or not your body can recover from these strong treatments or not. Yes, this is a complicated process. This is why you need to go to cancer specialists alone. They are the only ones who can advise you on how to prevent cancer. All you can do is eat healthily and exercise regularly. These basic steps in your daily life can go a long way.

As older cells do not get removed from the body, they begin to crowd around the new cells and prevent your body from functioning as it normally would have. This can develop anywhere in the body and it is treated usually from where it has originated. The situation amplifies for most cancer specialists in Panchkula as well when cancer becomes a mixture of many diseases together. This is why we need good cancer specialists in Panchkula because cancer is such a complex disease.

Certain cancers do have a genetic component. However, the various treatments available with cancer specialists in panchkula as well as its limitations because there is a certain limit to which the treatments will also work as well. It is still possible to reduce cancer cells or tumours, even in the case of hereditary cancers. Continuing on that journey is the only way of curing these cancers. There are many other factors that may have aggravated an already hereditary cancer.

There are roughly four stages in each type of cancer. Each stage depends on the extent to which cancer has spread and the degree to which it can hamper your body. Cancer doctors in Panchkula are skilled enough to deal with complicated cases and ensure that you still have a quality of life. However, the stages can increase with time and the extent of the problem in the body. When the cancer is small and concentrated in one place, it is considered to be in the first two stages.

Medicine over the years has found new cancers and their treatments as well. There are over a hundred different types of cancers known to us. There are different types of lung cancer, different types of blood cancer, etc. These also depend on a lot of factors like your race, gender, ethnicity, etc. For example, breast cancer can only affect women. So, it really depends on how many cancers are you actually exposed to. It is always possible to discover new kinds of cancers and their causes as well.

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